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Notepad++ Text Editor For Windows Free Download 8.4.8

Jun 5,2018 - Don Ho (Free)

4.44 MB (Safe & Secure)

Notepad text editor is a free source code editor software by Microsoft that allows you to create, open, and read plaintext files. If the file contains special formatting or is not a plaintext file, it cannot be read in Microsoft Notepad. The image is a small example of what Microsoft Notepad may look like while running.

Notepad++ can also be regarded as a more complex text editor that comes with additional functions compared to the standard Notepad.


When installing, attention is required since it has numerous components that can be unchecked to reduce the disk space it occupies. Thus, the localization files and the themes can easily be skipped, but it is recommended to install all the plugins and auto-completion files to ensure a complete programming experience.

Notepad++ comes with a clean and simple interface without looking crowded despite its large array of functions since they are grouped into appropriate menus with some of them being accessible from the context menu within the main window.

It supports several languages and has replaced Notepad. It runs in the MS Windows environment. GPL License governs the use of it in general.

Notepad++ text Editor Software For WindowsWhat is Notepad++ Text Editor?


Notepad++ is a free (as in “free speech” and also as in “free beer”) source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. Running in the MS Windows environment, its use is governed by GPL License. It is written in C++ and is based on the powerful editing component Scintilla. It is a text and source code editor for use with Microsoft Windows. It supports tabbed editing, which allows working with multiple open files in a single window. The project’s name comes from the C increment operator.

Based on the powerful editing component Scintilla, Notepad++ is written in C++ and uses pure Win32 API and STL which ensures a higher execution speed and smaller program size. By optimizing as many routines as possible without losing user friendliness, Notepad++ is trying to reduce the world’s carbon dioxide emissions. When using less CPU power, the PC can throttle down and reduce power consumption, resulting in a greener environment.

It uses pure Win32 API and STL which provides higher execution speed and smaller program size. It features syntax highlighting, code folding and limited auto-completion for programming, scripting and markup languages.

ActionScript Blitz Basic D INI files Matlab PostScript Smalltalk
Ada C Diff Inno Setupscripts MMIX PowerShell SPICE
ASN.1 C# Erlang Java Nimrod PureBasic SQL
ASP C++ escript JavaScript nnCron Python Swift
Assembly Caml Forth JSON NSIS scripts R S-Record
AutoIt CMake Fortran KiXtart Objective-C Rebol Tcl
AviSynth scripts Cobol FreeBASIC LaTeX OScript Resource file TeX
BaanC CoffeeScript Gui4Cli LISP Pascal Ruby txt2tags
Bash scripts Csound Haskell Lua Perl Rust Visual Basic
batch files CSS HTML Makefile PHP Scheme VHDL

Notepad Text Editor features

Replace Notepad

The notepad text editor is a default text editor shipped with Windows. You may want to use NP++ instead of the early version of NP. However, there’s no obvious way to do it.
From the version 7.6.6 you can run the following command to make NP++ replace NP (run in cmd.exe with Administrator privileges):

reg add “HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionImage File Execution Optionsnotepad.exe” /v “Debugger” /t REG_SZ /d “”%ProgramFiles(x86)%Notepad++notepad++.exe” -notepadStyleCmdline -z” /f

Note that you may need to use “%ProgramFiles%Notepad++” to substitute for “%ProgramFiles(x86)%Notepad++” if you have Notepad++ 64-bit installed, or use other path if your Notepad++ is installed in a non-default location.

Use the following comment to undo the replacement:

reg delete “HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionImage File Execution Optionsnotepad.exe” /v “Debugger” /f

Ghost Typing

Ghost typing can be used to launch NP++ with an auto-typing text. Use command-line arguments -qn, -qt or -qf to trigger it.

This feature was used in the Je Suis Charlie edition, and its effect is one of the controversial arguments. Some people did panic because of unusual behavior. However most of the time the true hackers try to keep a low profile. We are not in a Hollywood movie….Enough blabla, here is the usage of Ghost typing:

notepad++.exe -qnEasterEggName
EasterEggName: the name of an easter egg. Use %20 to replace space character.

notepad++.exe -qtText [-qSpeedX] [-lLang]
Text: given text. Use %20 to replace space character.

notepad++.exe -qfContentFilePath [-qSpeedX] [-lLang]
ContentFilePath: The path of file, absolute or relative. Use %20 to replace space character in ContentFilePath. The content (in ASCII or Unicode) of the file will be shown.

-qSpeedX: optional, won’t be applied on -qn. Use this flag if you want to control your display speed. X could be 1 (slow), 2 (fast) or 3 (fastest).
-l Lang: optional, won’t be applied on -qn. It will make ghost typing apply the syntax highlighting of Lang of your choice.

notepad++.exe -qnrandom
notepad++.exe -qnBill%20Gates
notepad++.exe -qtTest%20of%20ghost%20typing%20example. -qSpeed1
notepad++.exe -qfmyFile.txt
notepad++.exe -qfmyVeryLongFile.txt -qSpeed3
notepad++.exe -qfC:my%20foldermy%20poetries.txt
notepad++.exe -qt#hulk%20{%20height:%20200%;%20width:%20200%;%20color:%20green;%20} -lcss

Create Text File Using Notepad

Open Notepad and type the text you want in the file. Once done, save the file by clicking File and then Save. When saving the file, make sure the file is saved with a “.txt” extension.

Plugins Admin

By the request of the community, a built-in Plugins Admin is available in Notepad++ v.7.6. Plugins Admin shows the list of available plugins, allows users to install new plugins, and to update/remove installed plugins.

Test your plugins’ installation/update locally

For testing your plugin for listing, installation, removal, and update under Plugin Admin, you need Notepad++ binary in debug mode 32-bit or 64-bit, the latest version of wingup 32-bit or 64-bit, and nppPluginList.json (you should rename it from pl.x64.json or pl.x86.json, according to your plugin’s architecture). Replace notepad++.exe and GUP.exe of your Notepad++ installation by downloaded ones, copy pl.x64.json or pl.x86.json to %PROGRAMDATA%Notepad++pluginsConfignppPluginList.json (or <NPP_INST_DIR>pluginsConfignppPluginList.json – see New Plugins Home), then you’re all set – the menu item “Plugin Admin” will be under menu “Plugin” of your debug mode notepad++.exe. Launch this command will launch the Plugin Admin dialog and the rest should be intuitive.

Rules for adding your plugins into the list

  1. Architecture: your 32-bits plugin should be added to pl.x86.json, 64-bits plugin should be added to pl.x64.json.
  2. Unicity: the value of “folder-name” of your plugin should be unique in the list. it means if there’s already another same name plugin in the list, you have to rename your plugin’s folder-name (and your plugin). Keep in mind that your plugin binary name (w/o the extension .dll) should be always the same as the folder name, otherwise your plugins won’t be loaded.
  3. Security: the value of “id” is plugin package’s (zip file) fingerprint in SHA-256. This id is checked with the downloaded dll to avoid MITM. You can use Notepad++ to get your plugin’s SHA-256 hash (Menu: Tools->SHA-256>Generate from files… coming soon) or some online sha256 generators.
  4. Update info: the value of “version” is exactly the version of your plugin binary version which you want to be deployed. This version will compare with the installed plugin’s version to decide if an update should be applied. Please check Microsoft’s document about the binary version for setting the version correctly onto your DLL.
  5. Download location: the value of “repository” is the URL where Plugin Admin can download the plugin to install/update it.
  6. Packaging: Only zip package is supported. Your plugin (DLL) should have the same name as the “folder-name” and the plugin DLL file should be placed at the root level of the ZIP file. Otherwise, Plugin Admin won’t install it. Any additionals files (dll or data) can be placed at the root level or in an arbitrary subfolder.

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Do your PR to join plugin list
Once your test has been done, and everything is ok, you can fork and do your PR on: Only the JSON part you should modify. The JSON file will be built into the binary (nppPluginList.dll), which will be signed (for the sake of security) and be included in the official distribution.

Questions & support
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Notepad Text Editor other features

  • Syntax Highlighting and Syntax Folding: Supported languages : C, C++, Java, C#, XML, HTML, PHP, Javascript, RC resource file, makefile, ASCII art file (extension .nfo, doxygen, ini file, batch file, ASP, VB/VBS source files, SQL, Objective-C, CSS, Pascal, Perl, Python and Lua.
  • WYSIWYG: If you have a colour printer, print your source code (or whatever you want) in colour.
  • Style Configurator: For each style in every supported language, user can change the background/foreground colour, the font, font size and font style ( bold or Italic ) via the Style Configurator Dialog.
  • User Define Syntax Highlighting: It allows user to define his own language : not only the syntax highlighting keywords, but also the syntax folding keywords, comment keywords and the operators.
  • Multi-View: You have two views at same time. That means you can visualize (edit) 2 different documents at the same time. You can visualize (edit) in the 2 views one document at 2 different positions as well. The modification of document in one view will carry out in another view (i.e. you modify the SAME document when you are in clone mode).
  • Regular Expression Search supported: You can search one string in the document by using the regular expression.
  • Full Drag ‘N’ Drop supported: You can open a document by drag & drop. You can also move your document from a position (or even a view) to another by drag & drop.
  • Dynamic position of Views: The user can set the position of the views dynamically (only in 2 views mode : the splitter can be set in horizontal or in vertical).
  • File Status Auto-detection: If you modify or delete a file that opened in Notepad++, you will be notified to update your document (reload the file or remove the file).
  • Zoom in and zoom out: That’s another fantastic function of the Scintilla component.
  • Multi-Language environment supported: The Chinese, Japanese and Korean Windows environments are supported.
  • Bookmark: User can just click on the bookmark margin (located right side of line number margin) or type Ctrl+F2 to toggle a bookmark. To reach the bookmark, type just F2 (Next bookmark) or Shift+F2 (Previous bookmark). To clear all bookmarks, click the Menu Search->Clear All bookmarks.
  • Brace and Indent guideline Highlighting: When the caret stay beside of one of those symbol { } [ ] ( ), the symbol beside of caret and its symmetric opposite symbol will be highlighted, as well as the indent guideline (if any) in order to locate the bloc more easily.

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