GBWhatsApp for PC Download (Windows 11/10/8/7 & Mac) 17.40
GBWhatsApp for PC is a very handy tool that has an easy-to-use design that covers all of your needs. It is a clone of the original WhatsApp, a widely used messaging app recognized for its rich messaging and calling capabilities. Despite its popularity, the official WhatsApp version has certain limitations. To solve these constraints, engineers produced GBWhatsApp, a modified version that incorporates extra features to improve security, messaging capabilities, and design components.
If you want to get the most recent version of GBWhatsApp for your laptop, PC, or desktop, we’ve got you covered. We’ll lead you through the download and installation process for PC in this comprehensive guide. The PC version of GBWhatsApp works with a variety of operating systems, including Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, and even Windows 11.
How to Download for PC (Windows)
To use the latest PC version of GBWhatsApp on your PC through WhatsApp Web, you will need to follow these steps:
1. Start by installing an emulator on your PC. One of the most recommended emulators is Bluestacks, which you can download from their official website.
2. On the website, locate the download buttons located on the top right-hand side or the middle left of the page. Choose the appropriate version of Bluestacks for your PC’s operating system.
3. Once you click on the download button, an executable file named ‘Bluestacks.exe’ will be downloaded. Run this file to start the installation process.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions and click ‘Next’ when a pop-up window appears. Make sure not to change the default location where the app data will be stored.
5. After the installation is complete, launch the Bluestacks emulator. During the initial setup, log in with your Gmail account to fully configure Bluestacks.
6. Now, download the latest version of GBWhatsApp from a reliable source. Remember the location where you save the downloaded file.
7. Open Bluestacks and click on ‘Install APK’ to install GBWhatsApp. Navigate to the location where you saved the GBWhatsApp file (GBWhatsApp.exe) and select it. Click ‘Open’ to initiate the installation process.
8. Once the installation is complete, open the GBWhatsApp app within Bluestacks. Accept the terms and conditions, and enter your phone number for verification.
9. Wait for the verification process to complete. Once done, you can start using GBWhatsApp on your PC and enjoy its features.
By following these steps, you can successfully install and use GBWhatsApp on your Windows PC using the Bluestacks emulator.
How to Download for PC (Mac)
To download GBWhatsApp for PC (Mac), you will need to follow these steps:
1. First, you need to download the Bluestacks emulator for Mac. Click on the download button in the “For MacOS section” to initiate the download process.
2. Once the download is complete, you will find a file named ‘BluestacksInstaller.dmg’ in your downloads folder. Double-click on it to start the installation.
3. A security pop-up will appear, asking if you want to install Bluestacks as it is an app downloaded from the internet. Select “Open” to proceed with the installation.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process. When you launch Bluestacks for the first time, it may ask for necessary permissions. Provide the required permissions to proceed.
5. Now, download the ‘GB WhatsApp.apk’ file from a trusted source. Make sure to save the file in a location that is easily accessible.
6. Open Bluestacks and locate the ‘Install APK’ button. Click on it and navigate to the location where you saved the GB WhatsApp.apk file. Select the file and click ‘Open’ to install it.
7. Accept the terms and conditions of GBWhatsApp during the installation process. Provide a phone number for the verification process.
8. Once the verification is complete, you can start using GBWhatsApp on your Mac through the Bluestacks emulator.
By following these steps, you can download and install GBWhatsApp on your Mac using the Bluestacks emulator. Enjoy using GBWhatsApp with its enhanced features on your Mac device.
Features of GBWhatsApp PC
As previously stated, GBWhatsApp for Windows offers numerous distinctive features that are not found in the original app. Here are some notable features:
- Call without saving the contact number.
- Endless themes and stickers collection.
- DND mode option to disable internet access for GBWhatsApp.
- Forward messages to more than 5 chats.
- Hide typing status.
- Chat filtration feature.
- Share live location.
- Auto-reply functionality.
- Revoke multiple messages at once.
- Theme customization options.
- Hide last seen status.
- Support for multiple accounts.
- Increased language options.
- Upload longer video status up to 7 minutes.
- Hide double ticks.
- Increase media file send limit.
- Download status option.
- Freeze online status.
- Anti-Ban protection.
- Inbuilt app lock for enhanced security.
- Disable calls from specific contacts.
- Send up to 90 images at once.
- Notifications when contacts come online.
- Notifications when contacts change their profile picture.
These features add significant value to the GBWhatsApp experience on Windows, providing users with enhanced functionality and customization options.
Other Modded Apps for PC
Currently, there are several modded versions of WhatsApp available in the market that you can explore for your PC. Each modded app brings its own set of distinct features. Here is a list of some noteworthy options:
- FMWhatsApp
- YOWhatsApp
- WhatsApp Plus
- WhatsApp Aero
- OG WhatsApp
- WhatsApp Gold
- WhatsApp Pro
- WhatsApp Business
- WhatsApp Mix
- WhatsApp Royal
- WhatsApp Sniffer
- Soula WhatsApp
- RAWhatsApp
- NSWhatsApp
- JTWhatsApp
- AZWhatsApp
GBWhatsApp for PC is a well-known modded version of WhatsApp that provides a variety of unique features and customization choices. Users can enjoy an improved texting experience on their desktop or laptop devices now that it is available for both Windows and Mac platforms. The ability to make calls without preserving contact numbers, an infinite theme and sticker collection, DND mode for uninterrupted usage, message forwarding to different conversations, and much more are among the numerous features. However, it should be noted that GBWhatsApp is a modified application rather than an official version, which may pose security problems. Before installing GBWhatsApp on their PC, users should exercise caution, obtain it from reliable sources, and think about the potential consequences. With its versatility and enhanced features, GBWhatsApp for PC allows users to personalize their chat experience on Windows and Mac operating systems.
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