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Ableton Live Download for Windows 10.1.6

Aug 14,2019 - Ableton (Free)

1.8 GB (Safe & Secure)

Ready for an Ableton software download to start producing professional music? Ableton Live is a powerful digital audio workstation (DAW) designed for creating, recording, and performing music. With its intuitive interface and versatile features, Ableton Live empowers musicians and producers to bring their creative visions to life. Featuring both the traditional Arrangement View and the innovative Session View, it provides a flexible workflow for both studio production and live performance. Available in Intro, Standard, and Suite editions, Ableton Live caters to a wide range of users, from beginners to seasoned professionals.

Ableton Live Picture


Key Features of Ableton Live

Ableton Live is a professional audio application loaded with features to facilitate seamless music production. It may seem complex initially, but the comprehensive help manual and tutorials make learning easy. You can record, edit, and manipulate audio clips, manage signal flow, and create new sounds through synthesis, effects processing, and mixing. The warping feature allows independent tempo and pitch adjustments, while MIDI editing and a wide range of built-in effects and instruments enhance your creative possibilities.

Furthermore, Ableton Live allows you to create preset compositions, automate devices and mixer controls, and use external MIDI controllers. VST and AU plugin support extends its functionality, and you can perform detailed audio editing and mixing operations with ease.

  • Multitrack recording up to 32-bit/192 kHz
  • Nondestructive editing with unlimited undo
  • Powerful MIDI sequencing for software and hardware instruments
  • Advanced warping and real-time time-stretching
  • Support for AIFF, WAV, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, and FLAC files
  • Extensive built-in audio and MIDI effects
  • Built-in instruments: Simpler, Impulse, and more
  • Instrument, Drum, and Effect Racks
  • New groove engine for real-time groove application and extraction
  • VST and AU support with automatic plugin delay compensation
  • REX file support and audio-to-MIDI slicing
  • Video import/export for scoring and video warping
  • Simple MIDI mapping and instant hardware mapping
  • Full ReWire support (slave or master)
  • Single-screen user interface
  • Multicore and multiprocessor support


Ableton Live Benefits

Sketch, Tweak, and Experiment

Live’s Session View lets you mix and match musical ideas freely, ideal for improvisation. Play MIDI and audio loops of different lengths in any combination without stopping the music.

Ableton Live Software showing Sketch, tweak and experiment
Ableton Live Session View

Get Into the Details

The Arrangement View organizes music along a timeline, allowing you to build song sections and refine details. You can also record Session View improvisations into the Arrangement.

Ableton Live Software showing Get into the details
Ableton Live Arrangement View

Get Your Ideas Into Live

Record hardware synths, software plugins, and real-world audio. Use Capture MIDI to record notes after playing and audio-to-MIDI to convert audio into MIDI patterns.

Ableton live Software showing Get your ideas into Live
Ableton Live Recording Features

Use Any Sounds, at Any Tempo

Live’s warping feature allows real-time tempo and timing changes without stopping the music. Mix loops from various tempos, fix timing errors, and reshape audio.

Ableton Live Software showing Use any sounds, at any tempo
Ableton Live Warping Feature

Build Your Sound With Live’s Instruments

Live’s native devices, including Wavetable, Operator, and Simpler, offer powerful sound design capabilities.

Ableton Live Wavetable

A new synthesizer for stretching, morphing and shaping waveforms into a rich palette of sound.

Ableton Live Operator

A versatile synthesizer combining frequency modulation and subtractive synthesis.

Ableton Live Simpler

Effects for Shaping Ideas

Live’s MIDI and audio effects allow for creative manipulation and sound shaping, from clean mixes to analog-modeled distortions.

Ableton Live Glue Compressor

Analog-modeled compressor based on the classic bus compressor from a famous 80s mixing console.

Ableton Live Amp

Emulates the sound and character of seven classic guitar amplifiers.

Ableton Live Looper

Records, loops, and overdubs audio, based on classic hardware looping pedals.

Ableton Live Echo

The sound of classic analog and digital hardware delays in a single device.

figcaption>Ableton Live Reverb
Simulates the acoustics of real or imaginary rooms.
Ableton Live EQ Eight

Eight parametric filters with a variety of controls for shaping timbre.

Ableton Live Spectrum
Realtime analysis and visualization of incoming audio.
Ableton Live Scale

Remaps incoming MIDI notes to different outgoing MIDI notes.

Ableton Live Arpeggiator

Sound Selections

The Core Library includes vintage synths, drum machines, and acoustic instruments. Curated Collections offer toolkits of designed sounds.

Get Hands-On Using Push

Push provides a hands-on experience for composing beats, melodies, and sounds, integrating closely with Ableton Live.

Get hands-on using Push
Ableton Live Push Controller

Ableton Live Pros And Cons

Pros Cons
Encompasses all processes Requires technical knowledge
Tutorials and guides
Intuitive interface

Ableton Live System Requirements

Processor 64-bit Intel® or AMD multi-core processor. Intel® Core™ i5 processor or faster recommended.
Internal Memory 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended)
Operating System Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10

What’s New in Ableton Live

Turn Your Most Spontaneous Ideas Into Music

Capture MIDI records your ideas without pressing record. It works when adding new parts or overdubbing MIDI into existing clips.

Multiple MIDI Clip Editing

Edit multiple MIDI clips across tracks in a single view in Session and Arrangement.

Multiple MIDI clip editing
Ableton Live Multiple MIDI Clip Editing

Create and Arrange More Fluidly

Use automation shapes, stretch and skew automation, and simplify curves. New keyboard shortcuts speed up editing workflows.

Create and arrange more fluidly
Ableton Live Fluid Arrangement

Create Groups Within Groups

Process individual group elements, subgroups, or entire buses. Multiple group levels simplify track management.

Create groups within groups
Ableton Live Groups Within Groups

Browser Collections

Color-coded collections provide instant access to favorite devices, plugins, and samples.

Browser Collections
Ableton Live Browser Collections

Track Freezing With Sidechains

Freezing tracks with sidechain routing is now possible.

Track freezing with sidechains
Ableton Live Track Freezing

Mixing Improvements

Utility has an improved gain range, EQ Eight and Utility offer precise bass frequency control, and Split Stereo allows flexible channel placement.

Mixing improvements
Ableton Live Mixing Improvements

Dedicated Automation and Modulation Buttons in Clip Detail View

Toggle between automation and modulation in the Clip Detail View. Modulation has its own color.

Dedicated automation and modulation
Ableton Live Automation and Modulation

I/O Renaming

Label inputs and outputs to match instruments and hardware.

IO Renaming
Ableton Live I/O Renaming

Export Return and Master Effects

Export single tracks and groups with return and master effects applied.

Ableton Live Software showing Export return and master effects
Ableton Live Export Effects

Pinch Zooming

Pinch to zoom on supported trackpads/touch screens.

Ableton LIve Software Showing Pinch zooming
Ableton Live Pinch Zooming

Note Chasing

Notes trigger even if playback starts in the middle.

Ableton Live Software showing Note chasing
Ableton Live Note Chasing

Refined Look and Feel

Cleaner interface with sharper graphics and refined colors. Optimized themes improve visibility.

Refined look and feel
Ableton Live Refined Look

Resizable Arrangement Overview Window

Better overview of the arrangement with a resizable window.

Ableton Live Software showing Resizable Arrangement Overview window
Ableton Live Resizable Arrangement Overview

Changes to Breakpoint Behavior

Snap breakpoints to the grid and adjust them with numerical input.

Ableton Live Software showing Changes to breakpoints behavior
Ableton Live Breakpoint Behavior


  • LMMS
  • FL Studio
  • Bitwig Studio
  • Ardour
  • Reaper
  • Logic Pro

Technical Specification

Version 10.1.6
File Size 1.8 GB
Languages Multiple
License Commercial Trial
Developer Ableton

Summary Table

Attribute Value
Overall Rating Excellent
Author (Developer Name) Ableton
Version 10.1.6
Software Size 1.8 GB


Is there an Ableton software free version?

Ableton offers Ableton Live Lite, a limited version included with various hardware and software products. You can also download a free trial of the full version.

Where can I find the Ableton Live installer?

You can download the Ableton Live installer from the official Ableton website after purchasing or starting a trial.

What are the different editions of Ableton Live?

Ableton Live comes in three editions: Intro, Standard, and Suite, each offering a different set of features, instruments, and effects.

Can I use VST plugins with Ableton Live?

Yes, Ableton Live supports VST and AU plugins, allowing you to expand its functionality with third-party instruments and effects.

What are the system requirements for Ableton Live?

Ableton Live requires a 64-bit Intel or AMD multi-core processor, 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended), and Windows 7, 8, or 10.


Ableton Live is a comprehensive DAW that caters to a wide range of musical needs. Whether you’re a beginner exploring music production or a professional seeking advanced tools, Ableton Live provides the features and flexibility to bring your creative ideas to life. With its intuitive interface, powerful features, and extensive resources, Ableton Live is a valuable tool for any musician or producer. If you’re looking for an Ableton software download, start with the trial and explore its vast capabilities.

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