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Types of Authentication Methods

Authentication is a security measure that all networks and apps need. Learn about six types of authentication, like two-factor authentication, biometrics, and certificates.

The purpose of identity and access management is to prevent unauthorized users from gaining entry to a system by ensuring that only the appropriate individuals are granted access to the appropriate resources. One of the initial phases in the process of safeguarding data, networks, and applications is called authentication. This refers to the act of identifying whether or not people are who they claim to be.

Learn about the six different types of authentication, as well as the many authentication protocols that are accessible, to choose which sort of authentication will serve your organization’s needs the best.

authentication methods

Types of different authentication methods

There is a wide variety of authentication procedures available. These are the following:


  • Two-factor authentication
  • Token authentication
  • Password authentication
  • Biometric authentication
  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Certificate-based authentication
  • Identification Authentication methods
  • User authentication methods
  • API authentication methods
  • Web application authentication methods
  • Vault authentication methods
  • Email authentication methods
  • Wireless authentication methods
  • Database authentication methods
  • Payment authentication methods
  • Server and network authentication methods
  • Passport and document authentication methods
  • Online banking authentication methods
  • Web browser authentication methods
  • Remote authentication methods
  • Cryptography authentication methods

In the year 2021, many different kinds of applications are providing their customers with access to their services by utilizing one or more ways of authentication. You are required to authenticate yourself in one way or another in order to utilize these services, whether you do so as a regular activity, as part of your work, or in order to obtain information in order to complete a specific task. This is done for reasons pertaining to security, as it is vital to validate the identities of users before allowing them access to confidential information.

Depending on the level of confidentiality of the data you are attempting to access, the type of authentication you use may change from one method to another. Authentication for applications typically requires a variety of various approaches, with each one correlating to a specific risk level.

In this post, we are going to delve further into this topic and tell you about the numerous techniques that can be used to authenticate users, as well as ensure security, and find out which method is relevant for particular authentication use case.

The importance of authentication method

First things first, we need to establish the significance of authentication in our day-to-day lives before we can go on to the various ways. Imagine it as the first layer of protection, which restricts access to the data and only grants permission to those who are authorized to obtain the information. In order to bolster the efficacy of this defense, organizations are adding new layers of security to further safeguard the information.

There are several authentication criteria that are more reliable than others. The level of protection afforded to each individual instance is wholly determined by the specific information that is being sought after. The number of data breaches that occur every year seems to be on the rise. Authenticating users on the internet with just a simple password no longer provides an adequate level of security. Companies and other organizations often implement numerous authentication factors in order to increase their level of safety. Every single one of them possesses a one-of-a-kind set of advantages and disadvantages. Because of this, it is imperative that we have a solid understanding of the various strategies for authenticating individuals online.

Common authentication methods

There are a variety of approaches that may be taken to confirm a person’s identity and establish their authenticity. The authentication process for each system requires a unique set of credentials. This credential might be a password, a biometric authentication, a two-factor authentication, a digital token, a digital certificate, or something else entirely, depending on the context in which it will be used.

The following is a list of the most popular methods that individuals use on a regular basis to successfully authenticate themselves, all of which can help to secure the security of your system:

Token based authentication method

A system that provides users with the ability to authenticate themselves and, in exchange, receives a token. After that, they will have access to the website or app provided that the token is still active. This system functions in much the same way as a stamped ticket, in that it makes the verification process more straightforward for users who are required to access the same application, webpage, or resource on several occasions.

Password authentication

The most widespread type of authentication method. To gain online access to the system in this scenario, you will need to match just one credential. You have the option of coming up with passwords that consist of letters, numbers, or other unusual characters. When it comes to the safety of your account, having a password that is more difficult to guess is preferable.

Biometric authentication process

An individual’s identity can be confirmed using their distinct biological traits for the purpose of biometric authentication. In a matter of seconds, the technology can assist you in verifying people’s identities. It first gathers reliable information, which is then compared to the characteristics of the user’s body. There are numerous approaches to biometric authentication to choose from. Let’s go over some of them one by one:

Facial authentication
Veriff’s Face Match is an authentication and reverification system that enables users to validate themselves by making use of their own unique biometric characteristics. Through the use of biometric analysis, the technology verifies that a returning consumer is in fact who they say they are.

Fingerprint scanners
The most common and widely used method of biometric authentication is fingerprinting. The mobile native sensing technology is the primary pillar of the verification system that they utilize with consumers. The comparison of the individual’s unique biometric loop patterns is what is used to validate the fingerprints, which are simple to get.

Voice recognition and identification
This is a technology that can authenticate a person’s identity by analyzing their voice in a specific way. The technique is based on the observation that the manner in which each individual person communicates is distinctive. Movement variation, accent, and a variety of other aspects are some of the characteristics that set us apart from one another.

Eye Scanners
In order to examine an individual’s iris, eye scans make use of both visible and near-infrared light. The accuracy of this method of facial recognition is comparable to that of this other type of biometric authentication.

Multi-factor authentication method

In order for users to gain access to this system, they will need to provide two or more verification factors. It might be a virtual private network (VPN), an application, or an online account. Multiple factor authentication (MFA) has the potential to become the central pillar of an effective identity and access management policy. The likelihood of a successful cyberattack is going to be significantly reduced if this system is correctly configured for security objectives.

Certificate based Authentication

In order to verify the identity of a user before granting access to a resource, this type of authentication makes use of a digital certificate. You can use this solution for all endpoints – users, mobile device, machines, etc. This aspect is what sets this method of authentication apart from others. The vast majority of systems for certificate-based authentication come packaged with cloud-based administration platforms. These platforms make it much simpler for administrators to administer, monitor, and issue fresh certificates to their staff members.

What is the most secure method of authentication?

As we can see from the preceding list, there are a number of different secure authentication techniques for users online. These methods make certain that only the appropriate individuals have access to the appropriate information. Although it may appear straightforward at first glance, this has proven to be one of the most difficult obstacles we have had to overcome in the digital age. Because of this, we have a wide variety of strategies to choose from when it comes to ensuring safety.

Every authentication method has two primary facets that are evaluated to determine how effective it is: the first is its level of security, and the second is how easy it is to use. Both of these aspects are essential for each and every one of the cases individually. Because of this, we believe that the techniques of authentication known as biometrics and public-key cryptography (PKC) are the most reliable and safe out of the possibilities that have been presented. They both do away with the need for passwords and protect extremely sensitive information. It is not necessary to either generate or remember a password while using either of these two approaches, making usability an important aspect of both.

Alternative methods of authentication by application

As we have discussed in the past, it is important that you select the form of authentication that is best suited to your particular use case. There is a wide variety of alternatives to be considered, and service providers select one that best meets their requirements. They have to authenticate people before allowing them access to a database, an email account, the ability to make payments, or a remote system.

For each unique application, the following are some examples of the most typical authentication methods, such as two-factor authentication:

Identification Authentication methods

Biometric authentication continues to be the method that is utilized most frequently in order to authenticate an individual’s identification. Take, for example, the Face ID and Touch ID technologies found in modern smartphones. These are some of the most well-known applications of biometrics.

User authentication methods

Authenticating users on the internet and verifying that they are who they say they are can be done using a variety of different means, as was just explained. Single-Factor authentication, Two-Factor authentication, Single Sign-On authentication, and Multi-Factor authentication are the most prevalent forms of this type of authentication.

API authentication methods

When you begin interacting with APIs provided by other parties, you may encounter a variety of API authentication mechanisms. Basic Authentication, API Key, and OAuth are the three that are used the most frequently for authentication. Each one of them contributes to the overall protection of the information on your site.

Web application authentication methods

Web applications can be authenticated using a variety of different approaches. It is essential to take care of security and protect website visitors while they are online. Cookie-based authentication, Token-based authentication, Third-party access, OpenID, and SAML are the most common methods of authentication.

Vault authentication methods

When the information about a user or machine is checked against either an internal or an external system, the vault system has successfully authenticated the person or machine. The application programming interface (API) or the command line interface (CLI) is where the majority of authentication for these systems takes place.

Email authentication methods

Authenticating one’s email account can be done in a number of various ways. SPF, DFIM, AND DMARC are the standards that are utilized the majority of the time. Because SMTP does not contain any authentication techniques, all of these standards are meant to be used in conjunction with it.

Wireless authentication methods

Authentication is the first line of defense for ensuring the safety of a Wi-Fi network. There are a variety of approaches that may be taken to construct and maintain these systems. Open Authentication or WPA2-PSK are both viable options (Pre-shared key).

Database authentication methods

To ensure that only the appropriate individuals are able to access a particular database and make use of the information for the purposes of their jobs, authentication is essential. Authentication in this scenario takes place through either the use of the Security Socket Layer (SSL) protocol or through the utilization of third party services.

Payment authentication methods

There is a method of authentication designed to check whether or not someone is making unauthorized use of the personal information of other individuals in order to conduct business online. The majority of the time, the verification of one’s identity takes place at least twice, if not more. 3D secure, Card Verification Value, and Address Verification are the most often used authentication techniques.

Server and network authentication methods

Authentication methods at the network level, just like authentication methods at any other level, verify that users are who they claim to be. In this particular scenario, the system can tell the difference between genuine users and illegal users. Two-factor authentication, computer recognition, tokens, and single-sign-on authentication are the most frequent types of authentication mechanisms.

Passport and document authentication methods

A database is used to verify the legitimacy of documents like passports and other forms of identification. After users have verified their identities, the next step is for them to authenticate themselves so that their user IDs can be validated. Authentication methods such as Session-Based authentication and OpenID Connect authentication are likely to be utilized the most frequently in this context.

Online banking authentication methods

It is essential for financial institutions to have a reliable identification system in place, which verifies customer identities to exclude the possibility of fraudulent activity. They rely heavily on personal identifying numbers (PINs), in addition to other forms of identification that are knowledge-based. In addition to this, they implement Multi-Factor Authentication procedures, which stop the overwhelming majority of assaults that are based on stolen credentials.

Web browser authentication methods

When it comes to properly configuring an authentication system for a web browser, developers have a wide variety of alternatives to choose from. HTTP Basic Authentication, HTTP Digest Authentication, Session-based Authentication, and Token-based Authentication are some of the most prevalent authentication techniques. Which method to choose depends on the specific use case and the desired outcome.

Remote authentication methods

For businesses that allow employees to work remotely, it is critical to implement this method of authentication in order to safeguard sensitive information and maintain data integrity. The Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP), Microsoft’s implementation of CHAP (MS-CHAP), and the Password Authentication Protocol are the three remote authentication mechanisms that are used the most frequently (PAP)

Cryptography authentication methods

The field of computer security would not be complete without cryptography. One of the ways that confidential information can be communicated publicly is through the use of this method. In this scenario, the encrypted messages can be read only by the intended recipient, who possesses the secret key. The Password Authentication Protocol, often known as PAP, the Authentication Token, Symmetric-Key Authentication, and Biometric Authentication are the most used authentication methods.

Authentication method protocols

The authentication procedure secures client-server communications. Authentication protocols include:

  • Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is used in authentication to validate credentials with a directory service. LDAP clients seek database user info and grant access if credentials match.
  • Servers that can’t handle stricter protocols utilize Password Authentication Protocol (PAP), it sends usernames and passwords in unencrypted, making it an easy prey for spying.
  • Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) is safer than PAP. CHAP provides a challenge/response system to authenticate, limiting replay threats.
  • Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) is used for wireless connections in encrypted Point-to-Point networks. EAP extends and supports multiple authentication techniques.
  • Kerbos, Windows, macOS, and Linux use Kerberos to authenticate over unsecured networks like the internet. Kerberos provides access certificates through a third party.
  • OpenID is an open source authentication and SSO mechanism used by OAuth 2.0. Users are led to OpenID to login instead of specific websites.
  • Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an open-source SSO protocol. IdPs and service providers exchange SAML-signed XML documents.
  • FIDO2 employs the Web Authentication API and Client to Authenticator Protocol to authenticate users from a token or smartphone.
  • SSL/TLS authentication uses public key cryptography and digital certificates.


It is critical to understand the many types of authentication mechanisms in order to ensure secure access to systems, networks, and applications. The authentication landscape has grown to include a variety of alternatives that strike a balance between security and convenience. Each method, from traditional password-based authentication to modern techniques such as multi-factor authentication, biometrics, and token-based systems, has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The appropriate authentication method(s) to utilize is determined by the unique security requirements, user experience, and the sensitivity of the data being protected. To establish a robust and durable security architecture, it is recommended to use a layered approach that combines several authentication elements.


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