What is Deception Technology? Deception technology comprises cybersecurity solutions designed to identify threats promptly while maintaining low…
What is a Watering Hole Attack? A watering hole attack is a type of cyberattack that focuses on groups of users by infecting websites they commonly…
What is Command and Control Attacks? A Command and Control (C&C) attack involves using tools to communicate with and control an infected machine or…
What is a Volumetric Attack? A volumetric attack is commonly associated with a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) assault aimed at…
What is a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP)? A Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) is responsible for protecting an organization's applications, devices,…
What is a Perimeter Firewall? A perimeter firewall acts as the barrier between a private network and the public Internet. It monitors and…
What is Canary in Cybersecurity? Canary in cybersecurity, inspired by historical mining practices, has evolved into a vital tool for detecting and…
What is an Access Control List? An access control list contains rules that assign permissions or grant different levels of access to files and…
What is Active Defense? Active defense involves using offensive tactics to outsmart or slow down hackers, making cyberattacks more…
What is Lateral Movement? Lateral movement is a set of techniques utilized by cybercriminals to navigate within a compromised network,…
What Is a Man in the Middle Attack (MITM)? There are various types of security threats that attackers can utilize to exploit insecure applications. Some of…
What is Port Scanning? Port scanning is a technique used to determine which ports on a network are open and capable of sending or…