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How To Reply To A Specific Message To Someone On Instagram

You can talk with other users on Instagram by quoting and replying to their individual messages.

The capability to respond directly to a specific message sent through Instagram is without a doubt one of the most helpful new features introduced with Instagram Direct. The functionality of Instagram’s “Swipe to reply to messages” feature is comparable to that of Messenger and WhatsApp. You are able to provide an immediate response to a specific message that was sent to you in an individual or group conversation thanks to the’swipe to reply’ functionality. Long talks, especially those with a large number of participants, are given meaning by the responses that are quoted.

When you respond to a direct message on Instagram, the original message that you are responding to is quoted alongside your response. This ensures that the recipient is aware of the exact message the sender has responded to, making it easier for them to do so. One is able to respond to an individual’s video, photo, audio message, sticker, emoji, and GIF in addition to text communications.

Users can reply directly to specific messages from a specific sender on all popular messaging apps. That’s helpful because it can prevent confusion when you reply to an older message that hasn’t just been sent. In group chats, this functionality can be extremely useful. Instagram released such a feature a little later than expected.

This article describes how to use the direct messaging feature on Instagram and respond to time-sensitive messages sent by any sender using an iPhone, an Android device, or a computer. You’ll also learn why you might be unable to use the new feature.

How To Reply to a Specific Message on Instagram Using an iPhone

To reply to a specific Instagram message from an iPhone user in the list, take the following actions:

  • Tap the “Messenger” icon in the top-right corner of your screen from the feed.


  • Tap the "Messenger" icon in the top-right corner of your screen from the feed.From your messages, pick the private or group conversation.

From your messages, pick the private or group conversation.

  • Once you’ve located the particular message, swipe right on it, tap the “reply” icon, and then enter your response. You can also type your response at the bottom while holding down the sender’s message.
  • The message from the sender is now visible above the text input box. After typing your response, tap “Send.”


The message from the sender is now visible above the text input box.

To make it clear which message you are referring to in the conversation, whenever you choose to respond to one, it appears in quotes. Otherwise, sending your message on its own by pressing the reply first button at the bottom.

How To Reply to a Specific Message on Instagram Using an Android Device

Replying to a specific Instagram message on Android is similar to iPhone. You have two options. Here’s how to do it.

  • Tap the “Messenger” icon in the top right corner of the screen after opening your Instagram feed.
  • Locate the conversation that includes the relevant message.
  • Tap and slide the message to the left until the right-facing curved arrow appears. If you try to grab the message from the far right side, a slideout with the message times will appear.
  • The time-specific message, which in this case is “Ok,” is now visible above the message box.
  • When you tap “Send,” the message you responded to will be attached to the new message that you just sent.

How To Reply to a Specific Message on Instagram Using a PC

On Instagram, you can reply to a specific user’s message on the desktop app as well. Here’s how to reply to messages sent to you via Instagram on a computer.

  • Open “” in a browser on your computer.

Open “” in a browser on your computer.

  • Click the “Messenger” icon at the top of the screen.

Click the “Messenger” icon at the top of the screen.

  • To find the message for your new response, open the conversation.
  • The “horizontal dots” icon next to the message should be clicked.

The "horizontal dots" icon next to the message should be clicked.

  • From the suggested options, select “Reply.”

From the suggested options, select “Reply.”

  • Send your response by typing it in. Your message will include the message you responded to.

 Your message will include the message you responded to.

Your communication with friends should be easier to understand now that you know how to reply to time-specific Instagram messages from a particular sender. By enabling automatic updates, you can make sure that Instagram is always up to date. Keep checking if the feature isn’t available in your area.

Instagram Direct Messaging FAQs

Can I Reply to Any Message on Instagram?

Yes, both individual and group conversations can use the feature. With the latter, direct message replies are advantageous because you can prevent confusion by explicitly stating which message your response relates to.

If the recipient replies to my response, will it show my reply first?

The recipient will include your previous response if they reply to your message using the same strategies as above. If not, Instagram automatically sends the message.

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