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Publitio For All Media Asset Management Solutions

Aug 20,2021 - (Free)

(Safe & Secure)

Publitio is a service that manages image, video, audio, and document-related needs all in the cloud, its full media asset management service. It provides a wide range of tools for media management, that you can use for your web and mobile app. Developers & Marketers use Publitio to upload, store, manipulate, optimize and deliver content via by global distribution network (CDN) that Publitio provides by default to its users.

Publitio fixes your problems with hosting, uploading, converting, and protecting your media files with its simple, scalable & secure cloud-based storage with powerful, global CDN infrastructure. Publitio can meet your every demand, and provide blazingly fast images & video delivery!

This media asset management system simplifies the delivery of your media files while maintaining full functionality and security. With Publitio, your entire end-to-end image & video process is taken care of, while giving you maximum control and flexibility over your media assets.

Publitio Media Asset ManagementHow Does Publitio Media Asset Management System Works?

The Publitio media management works in the following ways:

  • Upload: Upload your images, videos, audios & pdf files to Publitio via dashboard or API.
  • Transform: With URL-based Transformations you can do on-the-fly transcoding of videos, conversion to different formats, apply various transformations like resizing, cropping, watermarking, quality adjustment on both images & videos.
  • Protect: Make your file private, playable only on your domain, and turn on HLS video encryption, which prevents the download of your video.
  • Share: Your files are ready to be viewed! No need to use programming languages, Publitio does all the work for you – and you can share via simple links or embed.

Using Publitio there are no hidden costs, and many extra features won’t cost you a penny. All completely free! You only pay for what you spend in terms of bandwidth and storage space you occupy. Just focus on your business and Publitio will handle all your image and video-related needs!

Publitio Media Asset Management For PC Features

  • Media Files Storage: Publitio provides storage for Image, Video, Audio, and Document media types. They provide a wide range of media file types with a max upload size of 5GB per file. Content is stored on Cloud Storage providers like Amazon S3, Azure, and Digital Ocean, so you can rest assure your files will be available when needed.
  • Image, Audio, and Video Processing: Media processing includes everything from image, audio, and video transformations, manipulations, conversion (transcoding) between formats. URL-Based API provided by service allows on-the-fly processing of images, audio, and videos, which is so simple to use – you get transformed file just by changing extension or few option parameters in the file URL.
  • Global Content Delivery Network (GCDN): When it comes to media assets delivery, Publitio infrastructure is built ground-up to scale: it can handle hundreds of millions of requests by design. Infrastructure is global and with multiple data center points it provides a content delivery network by default and by doing so speeds up delivery of your content to final users. It reduces costs as delivery is included as part of the service.
  • Watermarking Images and Videos: Publitio provides an option to Watermark your image and video content by applying your logo on files during upload or by using API or URL-based transformations. Watermarking can help protect your content from being stolen and is one of the most used features.
  • Video streaming: It provides storage and delivery for videos. If you are looking away to deliver your website background video or explainer on your website the app has you covered by providing direct linking to a video file or embeddable unbranded branded Player that integrates into your website.
  • HLS streaming and Security: Publito provides HLS Streaming and encryption of video content that prevents users to save your paid content. Together with HLS streaming, it provides Domain Level Protection that allows content loading only from a specified list of domains you add to Publitio.
  • Multiple CNAME support: Integrating fully into your own domain workflow users will never know content is served by Publitio. Setup CNAME’s for multiple projects and deliver content as your own.
  • Registration and cost: Publitio can be used as free to use service with 10GB storage and 20GB bandwidth with a limited set of features. The paid option is available via 3 paid plans. Pricing starts from $29/month for the Developer plan, 79$ Hacker plan that unlocks the option for CNAME support, and Pro plan that is 149$ that unlocks Publitio in full. Per usage, pricing is available if you go over the PRO plan at 30$/1TB of storage and 30$/1TB for Bandwidth.

Screenshots of Publitio Media Asset Management Online Solution

Video Tutorial of HLS Encryption Video Streaming 

Video Tutorial of Publitio

  • Vimeo
  • Loom
  • Vadoo
  • Ziflow
  • Cincopa


Publitio is a Media Asset Management that provides a desktop look-alike structure for uploading, storing, processing, and delivering your media content. Publitio provides a simple way to structure your content via folder and sub-folder structure. You can manage your image and video content with few clicks.

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