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Panda Cloud Cleaner Anti-malware Software For PC Download

Sep 10,2019 - Panda Security (Free)

36.4 MB (Safe & Secure)

Panda cloud cleaner is free for anti-malware utility with cloud-sourced updates and definitions, which means timely detection and prevention of threats. We’re big on anti when it comes to viruses and other malware, so Cloud Cleaner’s claim to detect malware that other tools miss caught attention. You’ll need an active Internet connection, and not just for updates: Panda Cloud security software sends your scan data to the cloud for analysis. It’s anonymous and helps contain malware before it can spread, but you should be aware in case that’s a concern.

Once installed, you can perform a full scan on the computer. By using Collective Intelligence, Panda Cloud Cleaner is regularly updated with the latest virus definitions, in order to maximize security for your computer.

Panda Cloud Cleaner

It is an advanced disinfector based on Collective Intelligence that detects malware that traditional security solutions cannot detect. Choose the antivirus protection that best suits your needs and enjoy your digital life safely with Panda.

This software may take a while to complete a scan job, depending on the size of your hard drive. It has a good response time and uses moderate CPU and RAM. Unfortunately, it doesn’t provide the option of selecting the scan target and type.

Results show total found malware agents and PUPs, unknown files, and suspicious policies, along with system cleaning possibilities. It is possible to get in-depth information for each of these categories, such as malware agent name and full path, broken Registry keys, and web browser traces (e.g. history, temporary Internet files, cookies). Panda Cloud Cleaner offers support for Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome. Know more about the top and free anti-malware software to protect your Pc against any online threat.

Panda Cloud Cleaner Malware Detect

Applying disinfection is done with the click of a button. However, a system reboot is required for each action. Other advanced tools are dedicated to killing all processes, unlocking files, and sending items to Panda labs for further evaluation.

Panda Cloud Cleaner may take a while to complete a scan job, depending on the size of your hard drive. It has a good response time and uses moderate CPU and RAM. Unfortunately, it doesn’t provide the option of selecting the scan target (e.g. custom drive or directory) and type (e.g. quick).

Note that the application does not include a real-time guard, so you have to install an all-around antivirus product for full protection against web-based threats. Other than that, Panda Cloud Cleaner is pretty reliable when it comes to scanning and resolving infected machines.

Pros and Cons

This program is easy to use and looks great, but it may not be what you’re after:

Pros Cons
Good Detection rate Slow scan
Low memory usage Some removal issues
Web protection Dependant on internet connection (weaker offline protection)
Collective intelligence Heavy on the system for a cloud program
Good program configuration Some false positives despite the information available in the cloud
Good behavioral analysis
Improve handling of hardware resources

System Requirements

Operating System Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
Processor Intel Core

Video Tutorial of Panda Cloud Cleaner Software For Pc 

How To Install Panda Cloud Cleaner

Panda Cloud Cleaner For Windows Overview

Panda Cloud Cleaner

Technical Specification

Software Name Panda Cloud Cleaner Free Download
File Size 36.4 MB
Language English, Italian, French, Spanish, Polish, Chinese, German, Japanese
License Free
Developer Panda Security 


You may Scan, detect, and remove malware by using the free application Panda Cloud Cleaner. It will work nicely alongside an installed antivirus and will detect malware that other security solutions may miss.

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