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Heroes Of The Storm Download

Sep 19,2020 - Blizzard Entertainment (Free)

4.84 MB (Safe & Secure)

With bold, diverse abilities and forceful personalities, each hero can upend a match – especially if mastered by a determined player. Unlike other MOBAs, Heroes of the Storm game features a panoply of dynamic Battlegrounds, each with unique quests and objectives. In this realm between realms, anything is possible! Choose from dozens of legendary Heroes from across the Blizzard pantheon, customize their talents and abilities on the fly, and battle it out on a myriad of genre-redefining Battlegrounds.

Heroes of the Storm has been in the making for a long time, but that’s never a surprise when it comes to a Blizzard game. The minimum delivery time for a title seems to be slightly over ten years, but it’s always worth the wait.

Heroes Of The Storm Alexstrasza

Now, HotS is far from perfect, for example, there are enough things in the game that are unpleasant, like having to pay cash for some heroes or skins and so on, but the in-game currency isn’t all that hard to obtain. Moreover, since HotS is the kind of game you generally put a couple of hours in each day, you’ll have access to most of the available content in a short period of time.

The thing you’ll lose yourself in, especially if you’re a Blizzard fan, is seeing all the iconic characters, protagonists, and antagonists, fighting together in one excellently designed game. Illidan and Anub’arak alongside Nova and Tyrael, now that’s a sight to see.

Heroes Of The Storm Download For Windows

Take charge, take aim, or take one for the team. Heroes fall into the following categories so you can easily find a role that best fits your playstyle:

  • Tank: Tank Heroes are formidable juggernauts that protect their team by absorbing attacks from the enemy and blocking their advance.
  • Bruiser: Bruiser Heroes are tough fighters that can also dish out moderate amounts of damage.
  • Support: Support Heroes primarily provide boosts, buffs, or other benefits to their allies.
  • Healer: Healer Heroes primarily focus on healing their allies and mitigating damage.
  • Melee Assassin: Melee Assassin Heroes are high-octane, in-your-face damage dealers that get up close and personal with their targets.
  • Ranged Assassin: Ranged Assassin Heroes are fragile characters with high damage capabilities that attack from a distance.

Experience over a dozen unique Battlegrounds with wildly diverse objectives, layouts, and themes. Here are just a few examples of what you might find within the Nexus’s many realms:

Heroes Of The Storm Abathur

  • Dragon Shire: Activate the Sun and Moon shrines to take control of a powerful Dragon Knight, then use it to rain devastation on the enemy team!
  • Towers of Doom: Aid one of two battling realm lords by capturing altars to deal damage directly to the enemy Core.
  • Cursed Hollow: Secure 3 tributes to bestow the powerful Raven’s Curse on the enemy, reducing the health of their Minions and preventing their structures from attacking.
  • Sky Temple: Capture the temples, defeat their guardians, and unleash their destructive power on your enemy’s fortifications!

Heroes Of The Storm Gameplay

The MOBA games titles follow in the footsteps of the two great ones, Dota 2 and League of Legends, and add a number of features, Heroes of the Storm gameplay mechanics, and other touches that give them a different look and feel. Heroes of the Storm doesn’t have to worry about being confused with something else.

At first, it was strange to see how beefy some of the characters were. They simply felt too big for the combat space you had but after a game or two, everything becomes very comfortable. The gameplay in Heroes of the Storm is refined, team fights are a delight and everything just flows together perfectly.

Sometimes, the screen gets a bit cluttered with effects, units, minions, spells, heroes, mercs, and other stuff, so for the Hero Brawler newbie, it can get confusing at times. Moreover, HotS pushes into gameplay a wider palette of ways in which you can assault, weaken and destroy the enemy team and while they are all well thought out, some can be a bit too distracting.

However, like with every MOBA or a similar game, practice makes perfect, and since each arena is fun from start to finish, you’ll get better without making forced efforts.

Heroes of the Storm will become a force to be reckoned with, it’s that good. Also, there’s no point in fighting over which MOBA is better and why. HotS was released on the premise that it didn’t want to be that kind of this game, its creators label it as a Hero Brawler.

Heroes of the Storm has its place among the millions of fans which Blizzard has attracted over the years. It’s created for them.

System Requirements

Minimum Requirements Recommended Specifications
Operating System
Windows® 7 64-bit / Windows® 8 64-bit / Windows® 10 64-bit
Windows® 10 64-bit
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo E6600 or AMD Phenom™ X4
Intel® Core™ i5 or AMD™ FX Series Processor or better
NVIDIA® GeForce® 8600 GT or ATI Radeon™ HD 4650 or Intel® HD Graphics 3000
NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 650 or AMD Radeon™ HD 7790 or better
20 GB available hard drive space
Broadband internet connection
None for the recommended digital installation
Keyboard and mouse required. Other input devices are not supported.
1024 x 768 minimum display resolution

Find Heroes of the Storm Game mode that’s right for you. There’s no wrong way to play!

  • Quick Play: Select your Hero and head into battle against other players on a randomly chosen Battleground!
  • Unranked: All the ranked play experience, but with none of the pressure. Draft and Ban just like you would in Storm League without affecting your rank.
  • VS. A.I.: Choose your Hero, choose the difficulty, and battle against A.I. controlled opponents.
  • Custom: Heroes of the Storm – your way. Create a lobby with custom settings, including Battlegrounds and Picks/Bans, and invite your friends!
  • Brawls – ARAM: All Random All Mid. Choose from three Heroes, then battle it out on a chaotic single-lane Battleground.
  • Ranked: Storm League: Defeat your enemies and climb the ranks all the way to Grand Master as a solo player or with a party.

Screenshots of Heroes Of The Storm

Video Tutorial For Heroes of the Storm

Heroes of the Storm™ Cinematic Trailer

Heroes Of The Storm FAQs

Should I play this game?


If you find Heroes interesting, boot it up already! No one else can tell, whether you end up liking the game or not.


I'm a new/returning player. How is the game nowadays?

Queue times are fine for the most part. We get 3-4 new heroes and a couple of reworks of older heroes per year and balance patches on monthly basis. There are also multiple themed events along the year with unique skins and other items to get.

How do I find more people to play with?

In the game, type “/join reddit” to join the Reddit chat room in the game and ask if anyone wants to play! More often than not, there are dozens who are willing to play in that channel!

We have a Discord server, that has region-specific LFG channels.


There are numerous resources located in our LFG Wiki Page.

When will the next patch come out?

  • PTR patches are usually released on the next Monday (US time) from a new hero/rework reveal.
  • Content/Hero release patches usually come out on the following week’s Tuesday.
  • Balance patches come out on Wednesdays, 3-4 weeks after the previous content or balance patch.


It is possible that additional hotfix patches will be released outside of this schedule, if previous patch introduced game-breaking bugs that went under the radar during development or PTR testing, or if a recently released/altered hero’s balance is off by a large margin.

Will X hero ever be added?

Most of the time, the answer is “Yes, at some point in the future.”

Heroes Of The Storm Older Versions

Version Name Size Download
Heroes-of-the-Storm-Setup.exe 45.8 MB Download
  • Dota 2
  • League of Legends
  • Heroes of Newerth
  • Smite
  • Vainglory

Heroes Of The Storm Overview

Heroes Of The Storm Download For PC

Technical Specification

Software Name Heroes of the Storm Game For Windows
File Size 4.84 MB
Languages English, Italian, French, Spanish, Polish, Chinese, German, Japanese
License Free
Developer Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.

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