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Gradle Download Build Tools For API Development Platform For PC 7.3

Sep 26,2019 - Gradle Inc. (Free)

151 MB (Safe & Secure)

Written in Java and Groovy, Gradle Download Build Tool is a free and open-source build automation system designed to accelerate developer productivity. It can be used by teams for constructing mobile apps and microservices using Java, C++, Python, or any other language, whether mono repo or multi-repo is preferred.

Gradle Buld Tool Software


Gradle Download Software Benefits

Develop applications using this open-source tool

The builder comes equipped with a comprehensive API, plugins, and integrations. For example, it can be integrated with Android Studio, Eclipse, IDEA, and NetBeans. It can be installed with a package manager, such as Scoop for Windows, MacPorts for macOS, or SDKMAN! for Unix. Otherwise, you can set it up yourself by downloading the latest Gradle distribution and integrating it with your operating system as an environment variable.

Can be integrated with Android Studio, Eclipse, IDEA, and NetBeans


There are two packages available for manual setup, whether you are looking only for the binaries only or are interested in the documentation and sources as well. After setting up Gradle as an environment variable, it can be called from a command-line interface to view the variable commands.

For example, you can ask the program to not rebuild project dependencies (-a, -no-rebuild), set the system property of the JVM (-D, –system-prop, such as -Dmyprop-my value), specify an initialization script (-I, –init-script) and point out to a task that will be excluded from execution (-x, –exclude-task).

Comprehensive software builder

Additionally, it’s possible to enable continuous building mode so that Gradle doesn’t exit and re-executes tasks as soon as the file input changes (-t, -continuous), stop the Gradle Daemon if it’s running (–stop), set the log level to worn (-w, -warn), as well as create a build scan, whether the tool shows a warning if the build scan plugin wasn’t applied (–scan).

Gradle Download Software Features


Incremental Builds

Gradle download checks in between build run whether the input, output or implementation of a task has changed since the last build invocation. If not, the task is considered up to date and is not executed. Gradle also considers the configuration of the task as part of its input.

Task Output Caching

If a task has already been executed on another computer, Gradle can skip the execution locally, and instead load the task’s outputs from the build cache. The typical use case is to let CI builds push to a shared build cache and allow developers to pull from it. A local build cache is also available to reuse task outputs produced earlier on the same machine. Several plugins including Android, Kotlin, C++, and Scala also support task-level caching.

Build Scans

Web-based Build Visualization

Understand what happened in your build via a rich web interface instead of a text console and text files. Build scans provide more information, more effectively.

Collaborative Debugging

Share build scans with colleagues to efficiently solve problems and improve things together. Share entire scans or links focussed to a particular aspect of the build such as a logging output line.

Extend and Customize

Add your own data to build scans as tags, values, and links. Integrate build scans into your toolchain.

Dependency Management

Transitive Dependencies

One of the main benefits of using a dependency management system is managing transitive dependencies. Gradle takes care of downloading and managing transitive dependencies.

Custom Dependency Scopes

Don’t be limited by a predefined set of dependency scopes (compile, runtime, etc). Gradle allows you to define arbitrary dependency scopes. For example for integration tests that you may model in your build, to provision toolchains you need in your build, etc.

File-Based Dependencies

Not all dependencies are available from external repositories. Declare dependencies on file system resources when using a managed dependency isn’t practical or when migrating legacy builds.

Custom Repository Layout

Declare repositories with custom layouts. With custom layouts, you can effectively treat nearly any file system directory structure as an artifact repository.

Gradle advantages

Gradle will provide the following advantages compared to ant and maven. That’s why all new projects are using Gradle as a build tool.

  1. Like Maven, Gradle is also an expressive, declarative, and maintainable build Tool.
  2. Just like maven, Gradle also supports dependency management.
  3. Gradle provides very scalable and high-performance builds.
  4. Gradle provides a standard project layout and lifecycle, but it’s full flexibility. We have the option to fully configure the defaults. This is where it’s better than maven.
  5. It’s very easy to use the Gradle tool and implement custom logic in our project.
  6. Gradle supports the project structure that consists of more than one project to build deliverables.
  7. It is very easy to integrate the existing ant/maven project with Gradle.
  8. It is very easy to migrate from the existing ant/maven project to Gradle.

Gradle combines most of the popular build tool plus points into a single build tool.

In simple terminology, Gradle is built by taking all the good things from the ant, maven, ivy, and gant.

That means Gradle combines the best features of all popular build tools:

  • Ivy and ant power and flexibility
  • Maven’s easy to use, lifecycle management and dependency management
  • Gant’s build scripts

NOTE: Gant is a Groovy-based build system that internally uses ant tasks. In Gant, we need to write build scripts in Groovy, but no XML. Refer it’s the official website for more information.

Why do you need to choose Gradle?

  1. Gradle’s build scripts are more readable, expressive and declarative.
  2. Gradle’s build scripts are written in simple Groovy, no XML. That means it uses its own DSL based on Groovy script.
  3. It’s highly scalable for complex multi-module projects.
  4. Unlike Maven’s pom.xml, No need to write boilerplate XML Code
  5. It provides plugins for most of the IDEs like Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, Spring STS Suite, etc.
  6. It is very easy to maintain even for multi-module complex projects.

Gradle Install

Please follow the following steps to install Gradle in Windows systems.

  1. Download the latest Gradle download software by below button by clicking the “Download” button as shown below Once the download is successful, we can observe a zip file as shown below


  2. Extract the zip file into the local file system – Observe Gradle Home directory:gradle_home

Observe Gradle BIN directory:


3. Set the following System Variables

set GRADLE_HOME=D:gradle-2.4
set PATH=D:gradle-2.4bin;%PATH%

4. Open CMD Prompt and check the Setup is done successfully or not.


We can use either of the following two commands to know the Gradle version.

D:>gradle -v
D:>gradle –version

By observing this output at Command Prompt as shown in the above screenshot, we can say that Gradle installation is successful.


  • Maven
  • Gnu Make
  • CMake
  • Meson
  • Buck

Gradle For Windows Overview

Technical Specification

Version Name 7.3
File Size 89.5 MB
Language English, Italian, French, Spanish, Polish, Chinese, German, Japanese
License Open-source
Developer Gradle Team


Taking into account the rich features provided by this app builder, Gradle Download is definitely worth looking into. We haven’t had any trouble getting it up and running on Windows 10 in tests using the latest JRE.

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