If you get an error message that your Forza Horizon profile is no longer available with an error code, try the following troubleshooting:

  1. Fully close the game.
  2. Ensure your Xbox or PC’s internet connection is functioning correctly.
  3. Restart the game.
  4. After pressing A on the welcome screen wait for the sync to complete. This could take a long time, but it is important to be patient.
  5. The game should boot correctly with your synced profile.

If the same error message continues to appear after fully restarting the game try the following troubleshooting:

  1. Fully close the game.
  2. Ensure your Xbox or PC’s internet connection is functioning correctly.
  3. Delete the local console save data
    • Select ‘Delete from Console‘.
  4. Restart the game.
  5. After pressing A on the welcome screen wait for the sync to complete. This could take a long time, but it is important to be patient.
  6. The game should boot correctly with your synced profile.