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What is Infrastructure as Code?

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) allows you to manage and provision your computing infrastructure through code rather than manual processes and configurations. Application environments typically require various components, such as operating systems, database connections, and storage. Developers must frequently set up, update, and maintain these components to support the development, testing, and deployment of applications.

Managing infrastructure manually is not only time-consuming but also prone to errors, particularly when handling applications at scale. IaC enables you to define the desired state of your infrastructure without specifying every step to achieve it. By automating infrastructure management, developers can focus on application development and improvement rather than environment maintenance. Organizations adopt IaC to reduce costs, minimize risks, and quickly respond to new business opportunities.

What is Infrastructure as Code

What are the benefits of infrastructure as code?

Automation is a fundamental goal in any computing environment, and Infrastructure as Code (IaC) plays a vital role in automating infrastructure to create environments. IaC is most commonly used in software development for building, testing, and deploying applications.


Traditionally, system administrators relied on a mix of scripts and manual processes to set up infrastructure environments, which was both complex and time-consuming. Now, IaC allows environments to be set up automatically in minutes and managed more efficiently. Here are some of the benefits:

Easily duplicate an environment

With IaC, the same environment can be deployed on a different system in another location, provided the necessary infrastructure resources are available.

For instance, imagine a company’s regional branch uses IaC to describe its entire enterprise environment, including servers, networking, and custom configurations. If the company opens a new branch, they can use IaC to replicate the same environment, making the new branch operational quickly. IaC eliminates the need for repetitive manual processes and checklists that were required in the past.

Reduce configuration errors

Manual configuration is prone to errors because humans are involved. Mistakes can happen, or configuration drift may occur if changes in one setup (such as a development environment) are not mirrored in another (such as a test environment).

In contrast, IaC minimizes errors and streamlines error-checking. If issues arise from IaC code updates, they can be quickly resolved by reverting to the last stable configuration. Additionally, environments can be rolled back to previous IaC configurations for other purposes, such as deploying older application versions.

Iterate on best-practice environments

Source control enables developers to easily build and branch environments. For example, if an application expands to include an optional machine learning module, IaC can facilitate these iterative improvements on best-practice environments.

How does infrastructure as code work?

Just as software code describes an application and its functionality, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) outlines a system’s architecture and its operations. An infrastructure architecture includes resources like servers, networking, operating systems, and storage. IaC manages these virtualized resources by treating configuration files similarly to source code. This allows you to manage infrastructure in a codified and repeatable manner.

IaC configuration management tools use different programming languages. You can write IaC in languages like Python or Java, much like application code. IaC is typically written in an integrated development environment (IDE) that offers built-in error checking. It can also be maintained under source control, with commits tracking every code change. IaC files are part of the larger codebase.

Approaches to IaC

There are two main approaches to Infrastructure as Code:

Declarative: Declarative IaC allows developers to define the desired state of a system by specifying the resources and settings needed. The IaC solution then builds this system based on the infrastructure code. Declarative IaC is straightforward, provided the developer knows the components and configurations required for the application to run.

Imperative: Imperative IaC requires developers to outline all the steps necessary to set up the resources and achieve the desired system state. Although writing imperative IaC is more complex than declarative IaC, this approach is essential for intricate infrastructure deployments, especially when the sequence of events is critical.

What is the role of IaC in DevOps?

DevOps focuses on enhancing collaboration between software development and IT operations teams. Its goal is to accelerate the application development lifecycle while ensuring the continuous delivery of high-quality software. DevOps teams combine operations tasks with developer tools and code commits, allowing applications to have very fast release cycles.

A primary objective of DevOps is to automate infrastructure tasks throughout the development process. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) can be integrated into continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. This ensures that necessary infrastructure adjustments occur in sync with the software’s build and release process.

DevOps teams leverage IaC for several purposes:

  • Quickly set up complete environments, from development to production
  • Ensure consistent, reproducible configurations across different environments
  • Seamlessly integrate with cloud providers and efficiently scale infrastructure resources up or down as needed

IaC also provides a shared language for developers and operations teams. This allows changes to be reviewed transparently, promoting stronger collaboration in a DevOps setting.


What is Infrastructure as Code (IaC)?

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a method of managing and provisioning computing infrastructure through machine-readable code rather than manual processes. It allows you to define and automate the configuration of resources like servers, networking, operating systems, and storage in a repeatable manner, reducing the risk of manual errors.

How does Infrastructure as Code help with scalability?

IaC integrates seamlessly with cloud providers, enabling infrastructure to scale up or down based on demand. Resources can be automatically provisioned or deprovisioned without manual intervention, making it easier to handle fluctuating workloads.

How does IaC differ from traditional infrastructure management?

Traditional infrastructure management involves manual configuration and setup, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors. IaC, on the other hand, automates these tasks by using code to define infrastructure configurations, ensuring repeatability, speed, and reduced human error.

What is the difference between declarative and imperative approaches in IaC?

  • Declarative IaC: You specify the desired state of the infrastructure, and the IaC tool automatically configures it to match that state without detailing the steps.
  • Imperative IaC: You explicitly define the step-by-step process to configure the infrastructure. While more complex, it is necessary for scenarios where the order of operations is crucial.

How does IaC integrate with DevOps?

IaC is a core component of DevOps practices, enabling infrastructure automation within Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. It ensures that infrastructure changes happen alongside software development, promoting faster release cycles and more efficient collaboration between development and operations teams.

How can Infrastructure as Code reduce configuration errors?

By automating infrastructure configuration, IaC reduces the need for manual input, minimizing the chances of human error. If a mistake occurs, you can roll back to a previous stable version of the IaC configuration, making error recovery faster and more reliable.

Can IaC be used across different environments (development, testing, production)?

Yes, IaC makes it easy to create consistent environments across different stages such as development, testing, and production. This ensures that each environment has the same configuration, reducing issues like configuration drift and simplifying troubleshooting.

What languages are commonly used for writing Infrastructure as Code?

IaC can be written using various programming languages, depending on the tools used. Common languages include Python, Java, and domain-specific languages (DSL) such as HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language) used by Terraform. These codes are often developed in integrated development environments (IDEs) with built-in error-checking features.

How does IaC improve collaboration between developers and operations teams?

IaC provides a common language and approach for both developers and operations teams. Since infrastructure configurations are treated as code, changes can be tracked, reviewed, and versioned using source control, fostering transparency and collaboration in a DevOps environment.


Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has transformed the way organizations manage and provision their computing environments. By automating the configuration and deployment of infrastructure, IaC not only reduces the risks associated with manual processes but also accelerates development timelines. Whether you are looking to improve consistency, enhance collaboration between development and operations teams, or scale resources efficiently, IaC provides a powerful solution. As more businesses adopt cloud technologies and agile methodologies, the role of IaC will continue to expand, making it an essential tool for modern infrastructure management.


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