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Social engineering

What is Fake Hacking?

Fake hacking involves someone pretending to have hacked their target. While it may not always have the lasting…

What is Typosquatting?

Typosquatting is a social engineering attack that exploits internet users who mistakenly type a URL into their web…

What is Clickjacking?

Clickjacking is a form of cyber attack where the victim inadvertently clicks on links on a website they trust,…

What is Pharming?

Pharming is a cyber scam that combines "phishing" and "farming," resembling phishing in which website traffic is…

What Is Pretexting?

Pretexting is a strategy within social engineering where attackers fabricate scenarios to deceive individuals into…

What is URL Phishing?

URL phishing occurs when emails are used to steer recipients to a counterfeit website, where they are coerced into…

What is a Zero-day Attack?

"Zero-day" refers to recently discovered security vulnerabilities that hackers exploit to attack systems. This term…

What is Vishing?

Vishing, which stands for voice phishing, involves using deceptive phone calls to deceive victims into sharing…

What is Scareware?

Have you ever encountered messages like "Warning! Your computer may be infected!!!" on your computer? The most…