What is URL Phishing? URL phishing occurs when emails are used to steer recipients to a counterfeit website, where they are coerced into…
What are passkeys? Over time, passwords have undergone changes, with companies mandating longer and more intricate ones to combat the…
Ultrasurf VPN Chrome Extension Download Download the UltraSurf Security Extension for Chrome to enable internet access with the flip of a switch. Enjoy…
How Do Password Get Cracked By Hackers ? There are numerous ways to hack and compromise an account. Password cracking is one of them; it employs…
What is Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and how does it… We have given an in-depth information in our article here on how easily hackers can steal password and username…
4 Ways To Boost Your Security While You Are Gaming Online The online gaming industry is huge in today’s modern world, and since the outbreak of Covid-19, more people than…
Encrypt Me VPN Software For Windows Download Encrypt me is free software that offers you security when trying to connect to public Wi-Fi. It encrypts the…