What is Lateral Movement? Lateral movement is a set of techniques utilized by cybercriminals to navigate within a compromised network,…
What Is a Man in the Middle Attack (MITM)? There are various types of security threats that attackers can utilize to exploit insecure applications. Some of…
What is Port Scanning? Port scanning is a technique used to determine which ports on a network are open and capable of sending or…
What is a honeypot and how does it work? A honeypot is a certain method to entice someone to something. Just like Winnie-the-Pooh, hackers find it difficult…
What Is WPA2 (Wireless Protected Access 2)? How secure is your Wi-Fi network, really? Choosing the right security protocol for your router is vital to protect…
What is URL Filtering? URL filtering is a method that allows organizations to control which websites and content employees can access. It…
What is UPnP and why you should disable it immediately UPnP enables quick device connection to your network without manual setup. Nonetheless, it may inadvertently offer…
What Is Network Traffic Analysis(NTA)? The primary venue for cyberattacks is the network, making it a prime resource for understanding threats to an…
What is Network Security? Network security is a collection of technologies aimed at safeguarding a company's infrastructure by preventing the…
What is a Smurf Attack? A Smurf attack, a variant of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, disrupts computer networks by exploiting…
What is a Zero-day Attack? "Zero-day" refers to recently discovered security vulnerabilities that hackers exploit to attack systems. This term…
What is wardriving? In cybersecurity, wardriving refers to the practice of searching for publicly accessible Wi-Fi networks, typically…