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What is Cloud Bursting?

Cloud bursting involves scaling public cloud resources dynamically to handle workload peaks when on-premises data center resources are maxed out. It ensures that overflow traffic moves seamlessly to the public cloud, maintaining uninterrupted service. This approach enables organizations to manage workload fluctuations effectively without retaining surplus cloud resources, thereby optimizing cost efficiency.

What is Cloud Bursting

How Does Cloud Bursting Work?

Cloud bursting can be initiated either automatically, triggered when demand hits a specified threshold, or manually, upon request. When activated, applications seamlessly transition to the public cloud without service interruption. Once the traffic spike subsides, they can be relocated back to the data center.

Various methods facilitate cloud bursting:


  • Manual Bursting: This method involves manually provisioning and deprovisioning public cloud resources for temporary deployments.
  • Automated Bursting: Public cloud resources are automatically provisioned when IT-defined capacity limits are reached. IT administrators use cloud tools to establish policies or capacity thresholds that trigger automated cloud bursting.
  • Distributed Load Balancing: Workloads operate concurrently across both public cloud and on-premises data centers. Load balancing distributes traffic between these environments. For effective operation, a standby deployment is maintained in the public cloud to scale up resources as required.

Cloud Bursting Benefits

Cloud bursting offers numerous benefits for organizations seeking to optimize their IT infrastructure:

  • Cost Savings: Organizations can save costs by utilizing public cloud resources only when necessary, relying on their on-premises infrastructure during normal operations. This approach is particularly cost-effective for managing occasional spikes in traffic, avoiding the expense of maintaining high resource levels continuously.
  • Flexibility: Cloud bursting enables organizations to effectively manage sudden increases in demand by scaling resources dynamically. This flexibility allows them to reallocate resources swiftly in response to fluctuations in traffic.
  • Business Continuity: Cloud bursting helps maintain uninterrupted service by preventing application failures during peak demand or system outages. Leveraging public cloud resources adds redundancy, ensuring seamless workload redirection without user disruptions.

Cloud Bursting Challenges

Despite its benefits, there are several challenges that can hinder or complicate the implementation of cloud bursting in specific scenarios. Organizations considering cloud bursting should carefully evaluate the following issues:

  • Security: Moving data and applications between different environments raises security concerns. Organizations need to assess their public cloud provider’s security practices and ensure they align with their own standards. Implementing robust encryption and security protocols can mitigate these risks.
  • Compliance: Industries with stringent compliance requirements, such as healthcare and finance, may find that using a public cloud doesn’t meet regulatory standards, particularly when data crosses borders. Consequently, cloud bursting may not be suitable for workloads governed by strict compliance mandates.
  • Incompatibility: Bridging between an on-premises data center or private cloud and a public cloud with different technologies, virtualization platforms, or management tools can lead to compatibility and interoperability challenges. Organizations should explore cloud-native solutions capable of seamlessly supporting and managing a multi-cloud environment to address these issues effectively.

When Should An Organization Use Cloud Bursting?

Cloud bursting is particularly valuable for managing fluctuations in traffic or workload, whether they are anticipated—such as seasonal sales or temporary spikes from marketing campaigns—or unpredictable. During periods of low demand, organizations can rely on their private cloud infrastructure, leveraging cloud bursting to scale up resources swiftly when sudden traffic surges occur.

Additionally, cloud bursting proves effective for resource-intensive applications requiring significant computing power, such as big data analytics or machine learning. By tapping into additional resources available in the public cloud, organizations can enhance the efficiency of these applications.

It’s recommended to use cloud bursting for applications designed to scale easily and not heavily dependent on complex infrastructures or extensive integrations with on-premises resources. Applications capable of deployment and operation across both private and public cloud environments are well-suited for cloud bursting.

However, cloud bursting may not always be appropriate. It’s not advisable for applications critical to business operations or handling sensitive data, as transferring data between private and public clouds can introduce security and compliance risks. In such cases, organizations may prefer to keep sensitive applications and data within a secure on-premises environment.


What is cloud bursting and how does it work?

Cloud bursting involves dynamically scaling public cloud resources to handle workload peaks when on-premises data center resources are maxed out. When demand exceeds capacity, applications seamlessly transition to the public cloud, ensuring uninterrupted service. Once the spike subsides, they can return to the data center.

What methods are used to initiate cloud bursting?

Cloud bursting can be initiated either automatically, triggered by predefined thresholds, or manually, upon request. Automated methods provision resources based on capacity limits set by IT administrators, while manual methods involve direct provisioning and deprovisioning for temporary needs.

What are the benefits of using cloud bursting?

Cloud bursting offers cost savings by utilizing public cloud resources only when necessary, flexibility to scale resources dynamically in response to demand spikes, and business continuity by preventing service interruptions during peak periods or system failures.

What challenges does cloud bursting present?

Implementing cloud bursting may pose security risks due to data movement between environments, compliance issues for regulated industries, and compatibility challenges between different cloud platforms and tools.

When should organizations consider using cloud bursting?

Cloud bursting is ideal for managing fluctuations in workload or traffic, whether anticipated (like seasonal sales) or unexpected. It’s effective for resource-intensive applications that benefit from additional computing power available in the public cloud.

Which applications are suitable for cloud bursting?

Applications that are designed for scalability and can operate seamlessly across both private and public cloud environments are best suited for cloud bursting. It’s advisable to avoid critical applications or those handling sensitive data, as the transfer of data between clouds may introduce security and compliance risks.


Cloud bursting offers significant advantages for organizations seeking to optimize IT operations. By dynamically scaling resources between on-premises data centers and public clouds, businesses can efficiently manage workload fluctuations and meet sudden spikes in demand. This approach enhances cost-efficiency, operational flexibility, and ensures business continuity. Despite its benefits, careful consideration of security, compliance, and compatibility challenges is crucial for successful implementation. Overall, cloud bursting remains a valuable strategy for achieving scalability and resilience in today’s digital environment.


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