- You can use Secure Cards to make online payments practically everywhere that accepts MasterCard. (To proceed, you will need to sign in to your PayPal account)
- You can get it by clicking this link: https://dl.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd= vdc-plugin-download
- There are two different kinds of Secure Cards that PayPal accepts:
Cards with a single use can only be used for a single transaction on a single online store. You will need to generate a Secure Card number in order to make a single transaction, even if it requires multiple charges to be made, such as for multi-part shipments, back-ordered items, or trial-period memberships. This number will allow you to pay for all of these separately. In some circumstances, you can see more than one transaction linked to a card that is intended for a single use only.
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When you have finished making all of your purchases or when the card has been closed, you will no longer be able to use the card because it has a limited lifespan and can no longer be used.
Any single-use card has a maximum of four authorizations from a single retailer, or it can have an expiration date that is up to two months from the date it was created, whichever occurs first.
You have the option to cancel the card at any moment before the expiration date.
Cards with numerous uses can be used to make many transactions on a single e-commerce platform. You will be able to reuse the same Secure Card number on just that one website after it has been generated by you.
It is common practise for the card number to be saved alongside your profile on the retailer’s website, making it accessible the next time you make a purchase there.
Each card with numerous uses is good for a period of two years; however, the expiration date can be extended for periods of one or two additional years before the card is closed or before it expires.
You can use PayPal online practically everywhere MasterCard is accepted, which includes places that do not yet provide PayPal as a payment option. Secure Cards give you this ability.
Be aware, however, that presenting a physical card may be necessary for the purchase of certain items, such as movie tickets and hotel reservations.
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When making these kinds of purchases, the use of Secure Cards is not something that we encourage.
In order to verify your identity as the cardholder, certain businesses may ask for your phone number. Kindly provide them with our Customer Service phone number, which is 888-221-1161.
1. Create new cards or look at the ones you’ve already got.
2 You will be presented with this notification while you are purchasing.
Make use of the plug-in in order to view all of the Secure Cards that you have generated. You can:
- Create some brand new cards.
- Change expiration dates.
- Put away the cards.