What Is Certificate Pinning?

Even though digital certificates are generally considered more secure than passwords, concerns persist within some organizations regarding the issuance of certificates to unauthorized parties. To mitigate this risk, certificate pinning has been implemented as a security strategy, akin to pinning a message in a chat, to establish an approved list of “pinned” certificates.

Certificate pinning has proven crucial in safeguarding the integrity and confidentiality of data exchanged across networks. However, it’s essential to delve into what certificate pinning entails, its significance in ensuring secure connections, and whether it remains a viable practice in the present-day scenario.

What Is Certificate Pinning

What is Certificate Pinning?

Certificate pinning is a security measure used to authenticate client-server connections, especially in secure communications like HTTPS or other TLS protocols. Its main goal is to increase connection security by reducing the risk of man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, ensuring that the client only communicates with a trusted server.

History of Certificate Pinning

In 2011, Google introduced certificate pinning, directing Chrome to exclusively accept pinned certificates when connecting to This measure ensures that if an attacker attempts to mimic a trusted CA, Chrome will reject the certificate, thereby preventing the establishment of a connection. Following its implementation in Firefox and Chrome, certificate pinning gained adoption across various devices and technologies, including IoT devices, mobile apps, and other software applications. However, certificate pinning faced criticism due to its associated operational complexity. It could potentially lead to connectivity issues with applications and misconfiguration might result in website blocking.

How does Certificate Pinning Work?

What are the Disadvantages of Certificate Pinning?

Certificate pinning presents challenges despite its potential in thwarting certain cyberattacks, as it brings its own drawbacks. In the subsequent section, we delve into the limitations of certificate pinning and explore alternative methods to tackle these issues.

Which Certificates Can Be Pinned?

Application owners have the choice to implement pinning for all three types of certificates – root, intermediate, and leaf – instead of just one. Consequently, developers aim to pin all three certificates in the trust chain. The primary disadvantage of pinning only a single certificate is the potential for exploitation by a hacker who could utilize a certificate from the same CA, exploiting this vulnerability.

Alternatives to Certificate Pinning

Various alternative methods can enhance the security of client-server connections while mitigating associated difficulties:


While certificate pinning is effective in bolstering connection security, its challenges such as maintenance complexity, reduced flexibility, connectivity risks, and scalability concerns necessitate consideration of alternative approaches like Certificate Transparency (CT) and Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Stapling. Balancing security, usability, and scalability is crucial for maintaining robust communication channels in cybersecurity.

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