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TeraCopy Download for Windows


TeraCopy is a utility software application made for copying and moving files from one location to another using fast and intuitive actions. The highlight is that it lets you add multiple file operations to a pending queue to execute them sequentially without your intervention, while carefully weighing file integrity to make sure that any corrupt items will be skipped without any popup messages or other interruptions.

Teracopy File Transfer Software Download For PC

“When a thing has been said and said well, have no scruple. Take it and copy it.”
― Anatole France

Pros and Cons of TeraCopy

Much faster than the Windows standard method Not so intuitive interface
Embedded in Windows Explorer
Support for drag and drop

System Requirements

Operating System Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 (32-bit) or (64-bit)

Main Feature of TeraCopy

Be in control

In case of a copy error, TeraCopy will try to recover. If unable to recover in the worst-case scenario it will simply skip the problematic file, not terminating the entire transfer. It can also wait for network or device reconnection.

Unnecessary files can be skipped to reduce the transfer time. During the process, TeraCopy shows detected errors and allows you to fix the problem by recopying only the problematic files.

File verification

TeraCopy can verify files after they have been copied to ensure that they are identical. This is done by comparing the hashes of source and target files.

Supported algorithms: CRC32, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512, Panama, Tiger, RipeMD, Whirlpool, and xxHash.

Confirm drag’n’drop

It can optionally show a confirmation dialog on every drag and drop operation. It can prevent you from moving folders accidentally from one location to another.

Faster workflow

TeraCopy can keep the history of recently used directories, as well as show folders that are open in Explorer and other file managers.

Other Features

Shell integration

The Fast Copying Software can completely replace the Explorer copy and move functions, enabling you to work with files as usual.

Preserve date timestamps

TeraCopy keeps the original time and date of files when copying.

Export reports Pro

Save file lists with all related information as HTML and CSV files.

Trusted by forensic experts

TeraCopy is included in DEFT (Digital Evidence & Forensics Toolkit).

Edit file lists Pro

Unnecessary files and folders can be removed to reduce the transfer time.

Copy locked files

Copy files using an elevated Windows Service and Volume Shadow Copy if required.

Screenshots of Teracopy File Transfer Software

Official Video Intro Teracopy File Transfer Software

Teracopy Final Licensed Permanently

Teracopy File Transfer Software Older Versions

Version Name Size Download
teracopy.exe 8.78 MB Download
  • Ultracopier
  • FastCopy
  • SuperCopier
  • Robocopy
  • Roadkil’s Unstoppable Copier
  • Copy Handler
  • MiniCopier
  • Copywhiz
  • KillCopy
  • GS RichCopy 360

Teracopy File Transfer Software Overview

Teracopy File Transfer Software Download For Windows

Technical Specification

Software Name TeraCopy Software For Windows V
File Size 8.78 MB
Languages English, Czech, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Portuguese
License Free
Developer Code Sector Inc


TeraCopy is a Fast Copying and pasting Software that can transfer large files from one location to another. TeraCopy is one of the best alternatives to the in-built default Explorer, and the interface makes the entire process quick and easy to execute. A clean UI and functional purpose also ensure that the copy and pasting are done hassle-free. The problem of slow transfers of a large number of files is easily tackled with TeraCopy. However, at times it does crash when copying large-sized files, but that could also be attributed to the operating system. Overall, TeraCopy is a handy tool for copying and pasting, and can surely be used for personal use. Download it for fast file transfers.

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