What Is Malware? How To Protect Against Different Types of Malware?

Do you have ever imagined how the internet is being vulnerable day by day? We all are seeing that viruses and malware are constantly evolving, becoming more tricky, advanced, very dangerous, and almost costlier than before by every new day, making it extremely difficult to keep your privacy and data protected. Unless you’re an IT professional with enough awareness about the potential threat of different types of malware and properly protected (which most people aren’t).

Cybercriminals are relentless and will stop at nothing to hack your computer or phone to steal your most valuable data — including bank details, personal photos, and sensitive ID card information. You, me and we all are at risk of becoming a victim of the latest computer virus threats and malware attacks. This is why you must have a working antivirus installed on your PC, Mac, Android, or iPhone.

Know How To Protect Agains Different Types of Malware

What Is Malware Or Malicious Software?

Malware is normally delivered in the form of a link or file over email and requires the recipient to click on the link or open the file to execute the virus inside. In the technical sense, malware is the collective name for a number of malicious software variants, including viruses, worms, ransomware, and spyware. Shorthand for malicious software, malware typically consists of code developed by cyberattackers, designed to cause extensive damage to data and systems or to gain unauthorized access to a network.

Actually, Malware has been a threat to individuals and organizations since the early 1970s when the Creeper virus first appeared. Since then, the world has been under attack from millions of different types of malware, all with the intent of causing the most disruption and damage as possible.

How Malware Works?

There are many different types of malware that can enter your computer via malicious file downloads, visiting infected websites, or through an email containing a seemingly benign links or attachment. A network or device can be attacked and infected by malware spreaders who use a bunch of physical and virtual means to spread malware. For example, A USB drive can spread malicious programs to a system and can be distributed over the internet through drive-by downloads, which automatically download malicious programs to systems without the user’s approval or knowledge.

Phishing attacks are another common type of malware delivery where emails impersonate as legitimate messages include malicious links or contain attachments that can deliver the malware executable to unsuspecting users. Sophisticated malware attacks often feature the use of a command-and-control server that allows threat actors to communicate with the infected systems, exfiltrate sensitive data, and even remotely control the compromised device or server.

How Do You Know That You Are Infected With Malware?

While these types of malware differ greatly in how they spread and infect computers, they all can produce similar symptoms. Computers that are infected with malware can exhibit any of the following symptoms:

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