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Heimdal Security Software For PC Download


The Heimdal Security is proactive and multi-layered security for your business to prevent next-gen malware, ransomware and other enterprise threats and explore a proactive security suite designed to protect your home and your organization’s most valuable data.

This security software is the champs of the “Most Educational Security Blog” grant in 2016, assigned for Anti-Ransomware Solution of the Year at the 2017 Computing Security Awards and Winners of the “Counter Malware Solution of the Year” at the 2018 Computing Security Awards.

Since 2011, we have been driving the battle against cybercrime, growing new innovations and giving insight to ensure more than 5,000 organizations and 600,000 clients against cybercriminal assaults and information security breaks.

heimdal security logo

Heimdal Security promoting group likes to gloat that their product is the “most dominant, most progressive security suite” ever to be fabricated.

Benefits of Heimdal Security

Heimdal Security Pro

Features of Heimdal Security

System Requirements

User permissions during execution


Operating System Windows 7, 8, 10
Processor 1 GHz Processor
Memory At least 250 MB RAM
Storage Space Up to 400 MB of disk space
CPU Usage At least 3% of CPU usage when blocking a domain, up to 10% when opening the Heimdal™ Agent, and up to 40% during a scan
Required Permission Local administrator or domain administrator permissions (if the computer is domain-joined) during installations
.Net Framework Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 (or above)
Internet  Access Internet access with the following ports open to traffic: port 53 (to apply the DarkLayer Guard DNS 127.7.7.x), port 80 (to filter traffic over http), port 443 (to filter traffic over https)

Technical Specification

Version 2.5.314
File Size 921.6 KB
Language English
License Free Trial
Developer Heimdal Security

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