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ContaCam Software Download For Windows

ContaCam is a Security Surveillance and Live Webcam solution for Windows that supports an unlimited number of WDM, DV and Network cameras. It makes for a very efficient surveillance system, packed with an attractive feature set that includes recording and motion detection, relying on a password protected integrated web server in order to stream the video content.

Live webcams and surveillance applications are the key to monitoring the activity inside your house, your shop and virtually, anywhere you’ve got a webcam. Streaming and recording the content that’s being captured by such devices requires the assistance of software such as ContaCam.

ContaCam makes an impression through the impressive set of webcam monitoring features, as well as through ease of use and accessibility.

It comes wrapped inside a simple, yet convenient design that gathers all of the goodies inside a few menus, which are easy to explore and navigate. It connects itself to a host where you have the webcam up and running and captures the stream, displaying it accurately and in live mode.

The actions you can perform on live webcam images are numerous, including the possibility to rotate, resize and flip them, as well as to adjust the brightness and the contrast or to apply various effects such as grayscale, negative, sharpen and soften to name just a few.

You can also gather all the images inside a slideshow, or scan the graphics and convert them to TIFF or PDF, as well as attach them to an email.

A special feature is the motion detection option that monitors a stream for changes inside the captured content and can take immediate action (FTP uploads, email notifications or running an external program) once a breach has been detected.

Contacam Software

ContaCam Features:

  • CCTV Security Surveillance with motion detection and 24 hours digital video recording (DVR)
  • Motion detection events presented as animated thumbnails in a web browser
  • Motion detection actions like FTP upload, send an email with attached movement file or run an external program
  • Live webcam with the possibility of history tracking, see this live demo and select a past day
  • Manual records and snapshots (video game captures, movie recording
  • Integrated web server with password protection (internet or intranet)
  • Supports Webcams, WDM and DV devices and Network cameras (IP cameras)
  • Unlimited parallel cameras setup
  • Can be started as a Windows service
  • Audio storing for 24 hours recording and on detection (no audio support for IP cameras)
  • Support for all Windows versions from Windows 95 up to Windows 8

In a nutshell, ContaCam makes the time you spend with it worthwhile, being ease to configure despite its complex purpose. It’s a must for anyone who wants to keep tabs on a surveillance system.

What’s new in ContaCam 9.5.0:

  • The daily summary video creation is now configurable under
  • Camera Basic Settings
  • Fixed download problems for daily summary videos
  • Increased the download performance of thumbnails and videos

Official Video Intro ContaCam Software

ContaCam - Free Video Surveillance Software

  • Shinobi
  • ZoneMinder
  • motionEyeOS
  • iSpy
  • MotionEye
  • Yawcam

ContaCam Software Overview

Technical Specification

Version 9.9.19
File Size 20 MB
Languages Multiple
License Free
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