ChemDoodle Chemical Drawing Software For PC 11.7.0
ChemDoodle Chemical Drawing Software is designed to help you draw simple molecules, as well as create complex chemistry documents that can be used in either projects or publications.
Whether you’re a chemistry teacher, full-time chemist, or just into chemistry, at one point you’ve certainly looked for a way of putting your thoughts and ideas on a digital piece of paper.
From the first time, you run ChemDoodle and you get the feeling that this is a piece of software to which a great deal of attention has been given in terms of intuitive use, practicality, efficient workflow and an abundance of tools. Download Software For Windows.
ChemDoodle Chemical Drawing Software displays a user-friendly interface that can be freely manipulated. All its toolbars and widgets can be reorganized and manipulated any way you see fit so you can create the perfect working space. Besides the doodle board on which you do all the drawing, the application offers you a series of tools for files and formatting, strokes, labels, rings, bonds arrows, orbitals and shapes along with anything else that is required to create exactly what you need. Download Software For Windows.
ChemDoodle Chemical Drawing Software Features
- An Intuitive Interface: Aesthetics is important to us. We have developed an interface that is not only intuitive but pleasing to use.
- Adaptable Controls: Adapts to your style of drawing, down to how mouse clicks place bonds.
- Tabbed Doodle Sheets: Tabbed sheets allow you to manage multiple documents without sifting through multiple windows.
- Document Formatting: A complete document formatting system with preset formats such as ACS Document 1996.
- Abundant Preferences: Total control over the look of your structures, shapes, and figures.
- Error Checking: Checks for structure errors such as misspelled labels or overfilled valences.
- Standard File Formats: Comprehensive support for ChemDraw’s CDX and CDXML, MDL’s MOLFile and SDFile, and CML.
- Image Support: Save as numerous bitmap and vector images including PNG, JPEG, PDF, PS, and SVG.
- Save Online: Compatible with your iChemLabs account to easily save and transfer files online.
- Periodic Table of Elements: A fully customizable and interactive periodic table of elements for demonstrations and printing.
- Extensible Libraries: Contains abbreviation and template libraries you can add to.
- Shape Objects: Many types of shapes can be added, such as arrows and brackets; most shape properties are customizable.
- Widgets: ChemDoodle contains mini-applications that provide very powerful functions without cluttering the window.
- Statistic Tracking: Keeps track of your drawn objects and documents, so you may easily manage them.
- Undo/Redo History: Records your entire action history in a list; click on an item to jump back and forth in time to that action.
- System Clipboard: Advanced functions for working with the system clipboard and sharing data with other applications.
- Multiplet Simulations: Quickly simulate magnetic resonance multiplets and include them in your figures with ease.
- Easy Templates: Includes a widget specifically designed to make structure templates easy to manage and use.
- Structure Databases: Linked with iChemLabs’ chemical structure databases to provide access to common compounds.
- SMILES Strings: Interprets and generates SMILES strings with an intuitive widget that also checks your input for errors.
- Affine Transformations: Advanced affine transformations to easily scale, rotate, translate and flip structures and figures.
- Bond Types: Currently 20 unique bond types to choose from; more will be added in future updates.
- Text Areas with HTML: Text area objects can parse and correct HTML for easy incorporation of lists and tables.
- Drawing Guides: Choose from several types of drawing guidelines to help you draw accurate structures.
Moreover, you can also benefit from drawing aids for atoms, bonds, rings and molecules allowing you to work as precise as possible. It also supports spectroscopy, reactions and enables you to calculate descriptions and properties that come from molecular forms and masses.
ChemDoodle Chemical Drawing Software is created to be a powerful and easy to use piece of software at the same time. In this sense, it’s worth knowing that it offers support for file types such as ChemDraw, ISIS/Sketch, ChemSketch, MarvinSketch, CML, MOLfiles, PDB, InChI, SMILEs and much more. This gives you the possibility to cooperate on large scale projects with multiple people that create their contribution on different applications without having to worry about any compatibility issues.
With the above to consider and much more to discover, ChemDoodle Chemical Diagram is, by all means, a great tool to have with you for any kind of chemistry-related task.
System Requirements
Operating System | Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
macOS 10.11 (El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave or more recent) Linux. |
RAM | A minimum of 1 GB of memory. |
System recommendation | A 64-bit system is required (all modern systems are 64 bit). |
Official Video Intro ChemDoodle Drawing Software
ChemDoodle Drawing Software Older Versions
Version Name | Size | Download |
ChemDoodle-windows-9.1.0 | 38.3 MB | Download |
- Marvin
- BKchem
- JChemPaint
- ACD/ChemSketch
- ChemDraw
- MedChem Designer
ChemDoodle Drawing Software Overview
Technical Specification
Version | 11.7.0 |
File Size | 71.8 MB |
Languages | English |
License | Free Trial |
Developer | iChemLabs, LLC. |
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